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ORM design challenges

Building ORMs isn't the easiest thing in the world. Based on past experience working on similar projects, I knew it wasn't impossible though.

Fundamentally an ORM is just a mechanism for converting Python objects into SQL strings, sending them to a database adapter, and converting the response back into Python objects. However, there are some subtleties which are challenging.

Designing a nice API

This is perhaps the most important consideration when designing an ORM. Making something as user friendly and powerful as possible.

SQL injection prevention

When generating SQL strings, the ORM needs to be careful not to include raw user input within the string - instead it should be parameterised.

-- This is OK:
SELECT * from user WHERE username = $1

-- If username = "1; DROP TABLE users", and the query wasn't parameterised:
SELECT * from user WHERE username = 1; DROP TABLE users

This sounds simple enough, but is quite challenging.


There's two options for joins - either let the user specify joins explicitly, or do it for them automatically.

In Piccolo, joins are done automatically.

In order to get the name of manager_1, a join is required. There are other situations which require joins. For example: == 'Guido').run_sync()

Piccolo has to manage the joins under the hood to make this happen.

Large selects

Queries such as this:

Which fetch all rows from a table, could return thousands or millions of rows. The ORM needs to handle this under the hood using cursors - fetching data in chunks.

Documentation and testing

Believe it or not, documentation is also a big challenge. ORMs are fairly large projects, with a broad API. Documenting all of the features and subtleties in an easy to understand way is time consuming. The same is true for tests - which need to be extensive.

Avoiding complexity explosion

Keeping the codebase maintainable is a challenge. Many existing ORMs are almost completely impenetrable for newcomers who want to deep dive into the code base.


None of these challenges are insumountable, but I thought it would be an interesting read for others, to help explain some of the challenges of ORM design.

Posted on: 23 Jan 2019

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