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Piccolo Admin tooltips

The Piccolo Admin now has support for tooltips, which can be added for tables and columns.

Here's are some screenshots:

column tooltip
table tooltip

Often database tables get quite complex, and providing hints to the user about what a table is for, and what the columns represent, can be very helpful.

Adding them is very simple:

from piccolo.columns import Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table

class Movie(Table, help_text="Movies which were released in cinemas."):
    name = Varchar(help_text="The name it was released under in the USA.")

And then we just run the admin as usual:

from piccolo_admin.endpoints import create_admin

from tables import Movie

app = create_admin(tables=[Movie])

if __name__ == '__main__':
     import uvicorn

Posted on: 23 Mar 2021

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