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Python's graphlib is awesome

The graphlib module was added in Python 3.9, and it's a great addition to the standard library. Piccolo uses it a lot.

As the name suggests, graphlib is used for sorting data which is in a graph-like structure.

For example, in Piccolo we often need to sort tables based on their foreign key columns.

Take this schema as an example:

Example database schema
A simple database schema

When creating the tables, we need to make sure that the Manager table is created before the Band table, as there's a foreign key from Band to Manager. In the parlance of graphs, each table is a node, and each foreign key is an edge.

You might think, OK - let's just use Python's built-in sorted function to determine the correct order. For complex graphs, with multiple nodes and edges, the sort function just doesn't work.

The sorted function works in situations like this:

>>> sorted([1,3,2,5,4])

When sorting more complex types, you can pass a key argument to sorted, telling it how to compare the various elements. But when each element in the list has complex relationships to other elements in the list, the output won't be what you expect.

Thankfully graphlib comes to the rescue. Tools similar to graphlib have existed for a long time (for example NetworkX), but having something in the standard library which solves common use cases is very welcome.

All we have to do to sort the above schema is this:

from graphlib import TopologicalSorter

# The graph is a dictionary mapping nodes to a set of connected nodes.
graph = {'band': {'manager'}, 'manager': set()}
sorter = TopologicalSorter(graph)
ordered = tuple(sorter.static_order())
>>> print(ordered)
('manager', 'band')

That was a trivial example, here's a slightly more complex schema:

Example database schema
A slightly more complex database schema
from graphlib import TopologicalSorter

graph = {
    'band': {'manager'},
    'manager': set(),
    'concert': {'band', 'venue'},
    'venue': set(),
sorter = TopologicalSorter(graph)
ordered = tuple(sorter.static_order())
>>> print(ordered)
('manager', 'venue', 'band', 'concert')

I encourage you to check graphlib out - it's really useful, and quite fun.

Posted on: 12 Oct 2021

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