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Replicating GraphQL using REST, Piccolo, and FastAPI

GraphQL is a really powerful approach to building APIs. It allows clients to specify exactly what data they want. Contrast this with most REST APIs, where a given endpoint typically returns the data in the same structure each time.

The advantages of being able to request exactly the data we need are:

  • Less data needs to be transferred over the network.
  • By giving the client more flexibility, it's less likely a backend engineer will have to make arbitrary changes to the API (for example, adding / removing fields).
  • Potentially less load on the API server, if it only has to return what's needed, and not additional data.

The downside though is GraphQL is quite a big investment in terms of setup and learning. Also, a lot of companies already have REST APIs. What if we can replicate some of the advantages of GraphQL using REST? Enter Piccolo and FastAPI.


Piccolo has a class called PiccoloCRUD which basically makes a super endpoint from a Piccolo table. As the name suggests, it supports all of the CRUD operations, and some really powerful filtering.

We recently made some big improvements - namely, being able to request specific fields, and even doing joins. It also integrates seamlessly with FastAPI, so the endpoint has automatic Swagger docs.

It's as simple as this:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from piccolo_api.crud.endpoints import PiccoloCRUD
from piccolo_api.fastapi.endpoints import FastAPIWrapper

from movies.tables import Movie

app = FastAPI()

    PiccoloCRUD(Movie, read_only=True, exclude_secrets=True, max_joins=1),

Here is the schema we're using:

from piccolo.columns import (
from piccolo.table import Table

class Director(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=300, null=False)
    net_worth = Integer(secret=True, help_text="In millions")

class Movie(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=300)
    rating = Real(help_text="The rating on IMDB.")
    director = ForeignKey(references=Director)

You can get the entire source code on GitHub.

Trying it out

If we query the endpoint, we get a response like:

GET /movies/

    "rows": [
            "id": 1
            "name": "Star Wars: A New Hope",
            "rating": 8.6,
            "director": 1

Now let's try fetching a subset of fields, using the __visible_fields parameter:

GET /movies/?__visible_fields=name,

    "rows": [
            "name": "Star Wars: A New Hope",
            "director": {
                "name": "George Lucas"

Note how we got a nested object when we specified as a field name, as it belongs to a related table. Piccolo performs the necessary joins under the hood.

You can also try this out via FastAPI's Swagger docs:

Swagger docs
All of the filters are visible in the Swagger docs


You'll notice in the table definition that we designated the Director.net_worth column as secret=True. What this means is the value returned by the API is only ever null.

It means we can shield sensitive information from clients if we want to.

We can also limit the number of joins which are allowed, using the max_joins parameter on PiccoloCRUD. This prevents clients from doing queries which are overly complex, and would potentially slow down our API.


I hope this illustrates how powerful PiccoloCRUD is, and how we're able to build something with very little code which approximates what GraphQL can do.

It's a great way of rapidly building an API, which could save on some bandwidth too!

Posted on: 3 Dec 2021

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