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Understanding sys.exit

Some of the Piccolo commands use sys.exit to indicate to the user whether the code ran successfully or not.

Here's a very simple example:

import sys

def my_command():
    was_successful = do_something()
    if was_successful:

The number passed to sys.exit is the exit code. In Unix, an exit code of 1 means something went wrong. An exit code of 0 means it was successful.

Using exit codes

On the command line, you can see the exit code of the last command using echo $?.

>>> python
>>> echo $?

>>> python
>>> echo $?

You can then use these exit codes in things like if statements.

>>> if python; then echo "successful"; else echo "error"; fi;

>>> if python; then echo "successful"; else echo "error"; fi;

Also, exit codes are very important in build tools like Docker. If the exit code indicates a command has failed, then the build will fail.

Exit messages

If you want to indicate why the failure occured, then a string can be passed to sys.exit, in which case the exit code is treated as 1 (i.e. a failure), and the string is printed out.

import sys

sys.exit("Something bad happened")

Let's try it:

>>> python
Something bad happened

How does sys.exit work?

When calling sys.exit it actually just raises an exception. The exception is SystemExit. It's unusual for a codebase to catch SystemExit exceptions - but it can be done.

import sys

except SystemExit:
    print("I refuse!")

If we call it:

>>> python
I refuse!
>>> echo $?

Are there other exit codes?

In 99% of situations, 0 and 1 are sufficient as exit codes. There are others though, but using them is rare.

import sys

sys.exit(127)  # 127 means 'command not found'

Why not just raise exceptions instead?

Rather than using sys.exit, you can just raise an exception.

raise Exception('Something went wrong')

If this exception in unhandled, and causes the program to crash, the exit code will be 1, and a traceback will be printed out:

>>> python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    raise Exception("Something went wrong")
Exception: Something went wrong

Having more verbose output may be useful for debugging purposes. However, you don't necessarily want this level of information being shown to a user if it's a known exception.

By using sys.exit you can exit the program, and just show a message without a traceback.

Also, by using sys.exit, it indicates clearly within your code that the intention is to stop the program, vs an exception, which is often meant to be handled.


So, should you use sys.exit? In summary, here are some situations where it is useful:

  • If you're writing code which will be consumed on the command line, and you want to exit the program without showing a traceback.
  • If you want to return an exit code other than 0 or 1.
  • To indicate clearly within your code that the intention is to stop the program.

Posted on: 22 Apr 2021

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