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When it comes to learning the asyncio library in Python, there are two important functions to be aware of. The first is run, which is a simple way to run a coroutine, and the second is gather.

gather lets you fire off a bunch of coroutines simultaneously, and the current context will resume once all of the coroutines have completed. The return value is a list of responses from each coroutine.

Here's a real life example, where a bunch of API endpoints are accessed concurrently, as a means of load testing a server:

import asyncio

import httpx

ids = [1, 10, 12, 15, 20, 100]

async def main():
    async with httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=30.0) as client:
        response = await asyncio.gather(
                ) for _id in ids

    # Check all of the requests were successful:
    assert {i.status_code for i in response} == {200}

if __name__ == "__main__":

We are using the httpx library to make network requests.

One thing to be aware of is you can potentially open up a lot of connections using gather. If you open too many, this can result in errors as operating systems will only let you open a certain number of sockets at a time, so don't go too crazy!

Likewise, when connecting to a database, only a certain number of connections can be open at a time. It's important to use a connection pool to avoid errors.

Here's an example using Piccolo:

import asyncio

from piccolo.engine.postgres import PostgresEngine
from piccolo.columns import Varchar
from piccolo.tables import Table

DB = PostgresEngine({
    'host': 'localhost',
    'database': 'my_app',
    'user': 'postgres',
    'password': ''

class Person(Table, db=DB):
    name = Varchar()

async def main():
    await DB.start_connnection_pool()

    # This is a contrived example - imagine each of these are different
    # queries:
    await asyncio.gather(*[ for _ in range(500)])

    await DB.close_connnection_pool()

if __name__ == "__main__":

With Piccolo, if we make sure a connection pool is open then we're fine - if all connections are being used, the coroutine will wait until one becomes available.

As you can see, gather is super powerful. It lets us concisely request several resources concurrently, which is a common occurence in web apps.


If you want to take your use of asyncio.gather to the next level, check out asyncio_tools.


Posted on: 15 Feb 2020

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